How to price your online course

Listen to our interview (above) with business coach Tom Buford to get actionable tips on pricing your online course. If the discussion inspires you to think about creating revenue with your own online course (and we think it will!) get started at

Tom’s tips to improve your course pricing

  1. First and foremost, never undervalue or under-charge for your course. People may associate low cost with low value.
  2. Look at the value of your course broadly and the transformation it provides in your clients’ life and experience… not the content you’re delivering or the features of your course.
  3. Don’t overload your course with information. Keep it tightly focused and action-oriented. Then, explain the value and price of your course in terms of how it helps people take action — NOT how much content is in the course.
  4. Be creative in adding value to your course. For example, can you provide an online discussion forum and community that helps people engage and interact? Or, can you host a sequence of live Q&A calls or webinars during the course, to give people a “personal touch?” Online course platforms such as ruzuku can simplify this process by integrating community and calls/webinars into your course website.

Tom’s #1 action step to improve your course marketing

Talk about the results and transformation people get from your course, rather than the course structure or content. For your next course you want to promote, do the following:

  • Draft an email to your mailing list sharing a story about how your course helped someone.
  • Draft a Facebook post sharing a visual of how someone got a powerful result from your course. For example, if you teach art courses, share a photo of an artwork one of your past students created.

Take action on your course idea

You can start right now. Watch our free training video at, and learn the 3 steps to define and sell your course — so you can build your online course business from the ground up.


About Author:

Picture of Abe Crystal

Abe Crystal

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In my work here at Ruzuku, I hear from thousands of course creators… We regularly survey our customers and people who participate in our free trainings. I also get hundreds of emails from people in these programs.