9 Steps to Creating a Successful e-Course

Over at ProBlogger, Jen Louden (ruzuku customer & advisor!) has posted her 9 Steps to Creating a Successful e-Course.

Here are her 9 steps:

  1. Dump Your Brain
  2. Find the Core
  3. Befriend the Critic
  4. Steal like A Teacher
  5. Name the Steps
  6. Tangible Takeaways
  7. Beta
  8. Build in Regular Feedback
  9. Keep the Momentum Going

Jen provides some great questions to ask during your course creation and marketing process:

Ask yourself:

  • Did you fall in love with content creation and not put equal time & creativity into marketing?
    • If so, pour your energy into marketing for the next round.
  • Did you try to create a course that filled a need but lost your voice in the process?
    • Go back and tweak – just a little – to add your stories, experiences and voice.
    • Add that to the sales page, too.
  • Did you consider your students’ needs?
  • Did you describe clear benefits on your sales page?
  • How many people did you get your course in front of?
    • Did you promote it in the places your just-right students hang out?
  • Did you make clear requests for feedback from current students?
    • What tweaks can you make to the course and your sales page to address these requests?
  • Did you enlist peer support from other course creators?
    • Share your challenges and successes?
    • Swap best practice and sales ideas?
  • When can you offer the course again?
  • What are three fun ways to get the word out?

About Author:

Picture of Abe Crystal

Abe Crystal

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In my work here at Ruzuku, I hear from thousands of course creators… We regularly survey our customers and people who participate in our free trainings. I also get hundreds of emails from people in these programs.