6 tactics to increase coaching & services revenue from your online course

You’re eager to build sustainable, profitable business around your courses.

One of the best ways to ramp up revenue — especially in the early stages of your online course business — is to sell more of your services.

I’m assuming that you offer some kind of professional service, such as:

  • coaching
  • consulting
  • writing
  • design
  • outsourcing,
  • and so on.

Your course is the perfect vehicle to engage people and lead them naturally into your service offerings.

Here are some ways you can ramp up coaching & services revenue from your course:

1. Create a nurturing email autoresponder campaign.

First, make sure that people are joining your email marketing list. You might have them do this before you even offer them the opportunity to register for your course. Or, you can integrate providers such as Mailchimp, 1ShoppingCart, and InfusionSoft with your course on ruzuku.

Next, design a sequence of emails to nurture and engage these prospective clients. The key is to engage and educate first, before asking for a sale. Here are a couple of articles to help you do that:
–> You got an email list, now what?
–> How I make $397 a week with autoresponders

2. Offer free strategy or mini-sessions.

Many coaches and consultants enroll new clients by offering a free “strategy session” call. Give your course participants the opportunity to sign up for a free session inside your course. You can use an appointment booking service such as Appointlet to make this easy.

3. Provide a personalized worksheet review.

Worksheets are a powerful way to help participants take action. Provide a worksheet that elicits their challenges through questions and prompts. Then offer to review their worksheet on a 20-minute call. You can flow naturally from discussing their challenges and next steps based on the worksheet responses, to a service offer that would meet their needs.

4. Host group Q&A/coaching calls with a special offer.

A great way to engage your community is with Q&A or group coaching calls. Ruzuku’s built-in teleconferencing makes it a snap to set up, host, and record these calls. People love having the opportunity to get more personalized help, and ask you questions. You can end these calls with a call to action to sign up for a special offer — such as service package, or a premium course.

5. Integrate upsells via links & buttons (to premium courses, or service packages).

A simple option in a free or low-cost course is to include upsells in activities throughout the course. Help people get value from your techniques, then show them an offer to go deeper with a premium course or service package. To provide a strong call-to-action, consider including a graphical button (rather than just a text link) in your activity. Have the button link to a sales page on your website.

6. Plan a structured launch of a “special value” limited-time service package.

No matter what kind of service you’re offering, deadlines and urgency can help people make a decision about the offer. Get creative about how you can offer your service in a time-limited way. For example, you could put together a special 3-month or 6-month coaching package with specific goals and bonus materials, and offer it at a discounted price for a limited time. Then plan an email campaign to introduce the package to your course participants, and give them clear reminders about the deadline.

So there’s 6 tactics to help you ramp up service revenue from your courses.

I’d love to hear from you…

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What questions or challenges do you have about building your business around courses?

Let us know on Twitter (@ruzuku), or shoot me an email: abe AT ruzuku DOT com. We’ll get right back to you!


About Author:

Picture of Abe Crystal

Abe Crystal

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In my work here at Ruzuku, I hear from thousands of course creators… We regularly survey our customers and people who participate in our free trainings. I also get hundreds of emails from people in these programs.